Well Regulated Militia (WRM)

This is a call to my fellow veterans of the United States Armed Forces. This is a call to organize, to assemble, to share and to educate based on our experiences fighting the Global War on Terror.

In the oft quoted but rarely considered Second Amendment there calls for not only the right for the formation of a “well regulated militia” but the inherent responsibility for the existence of one in a world of gun ownership. The purpose of this militia is dead clear: to abolish tyranny in the government which sits there only to facilitate it.

I say it is you and I who ought to populate the ranks of this militia. I need not list to you, any American veteran, the myriad skills which we have been given through our service. You know them by heart. I also need not list to you the various core values which you have sworn to uphold already once in your life.

I ask of you to call on those same values now and look upon the travesty that is being done upon people exhibiting their First Amendment rights in Portland, Oregon.

I know of only the values of the Army for which I served. Loyalty. To my flag; to my unit; to my family. Duty. To do what is asked of me no matter what is asked of me in defense of this nation and our ideals. Respect. To treat others as they ought to be treated. Selfless-Service. To put my fear for my own safety aside in defense of what endangers my country, my unit, my family. Honor. To live up to all these values. Integrity. To do what is right both legally and morally, even when nobody is looking. Personal Courage. To do that which is bold.

I know your values have at their heart the same meaning as mine. That meaning is being called for now. We must defend this nation from unleashing what it unleashed during the Global War on Terror here on our shores, to our citizens. To our families and friends.

It would be irresponsible of me to release such a call without attaching to it certain guidelines should I be heeded so that I am not responsible for creating a monster.

This is the manifesto that I propose which is deeply open for change upon review. I am only one person of indeterminate gender.

As was the case in the military we will respect and obey the creed that all humans are born equal and born free. This militia must never tolerate bigotry of any kind, intolerance of any kind, hatred of any kind. These do not fit the profile of a Marine, a Sailor, an Airman, a Soldier. We are all green. We were recast in a fire and we all die green.

No extrajudicial detention facility must operate on these shores or detain American citizens or those who have come to this country seeking asylum ever. We must work towards the irradiation of this system no matter what it means.

We must work against the now all too obvious militarization of the police. This is not their lane. If it ever were they have proven themselves to be dishonest and showed a level of force that we, as service people of the was that has stretched on for nearly 20 years all must admit, were held to much higher levels of accountability. Mind you our job was a war. They were supposed to be watching our families.

In short we must work to dismantle the mission creep of police forces the nation over.

We must stamp out the existence of white-supremacists, Nazis, all the groups which they occupy. We must do this for our grandparents to honor the war they sacrificed so much for. This cannot be tolerated here. These people cannot be allowed to feel safe to behave this way here. The swelling of Nazi violence in this country is a call to arms in and of itself and I do not use those words lightly.

Lastly, I think we should work towards the intense regulation of guns. The America I envision is one in which prior to ever purchasing any fire arm a Purchase Candidate must attend a week long course in gun safety, gun responsibility and a battery of psychological testing. This can be bypassed by service in the United States Military but not cops who obviously need more courses on both HOW to shoot and WHEN to shoot. They have truly been an utter disgrace to the level of discipline we were held to.

Thank you for considering this drastic proposition. I ask you not to come to me to organize but rather to organize yourselves. Lets all communicate together and discuss what a well regulated militia looks like and then lets be that militia for duty and for country.

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